I've just had a new development in my life. I moved into my apartment. Rock on! With the freedom, came the sours.
From my fire alarms ringing repeatedly,tears streaming down my cheeks from the smoke from the chicken in the oven to a month long battle with my landlord over a rotting bathroom sink- which, by the way, I won.
I sweated it out through reupholstering my chairs to painting my furniture and cooking unbleviably delicious dinners.
I just spent two hours trying to open an email to finish the email transaction. It is piss pouring rain and freezing slush here.. We had a blizzard earlier and I had to plow through that. I went to the library and couldn't open the email and finish the transaction, so I wrestled with the wind and sleet to the bank and they couldn't help me and I went to a few other spots. Places were closing early and school was closed. By this time, my feet are a brutal mix of soaked, stinging, freezing numb and everything else. I limped back to the library in time before it closed and the bank thing worked. I went to the bank and they were like, "You again!" and I'm like yeah, and so I was exhausted because due to aching soaked feet- there were puddles in my sneakers and I couldn't move my feet they hurt so much, I went to buy groceries and I got veggies, a chicken and some food to hold me over. I went to catch the 51 and waited 1/2 an hour and finally caught the 51. Basically, I went through hel. The whole time, I sat on the bus all I was aware of was my poor feet which are still red. Clearly, sneakers do not do it for this nightmarish weather. Passengers were going by me and I drew my poor foot back so as to not have it knocked by a passenger. I had to rest my right foot on my left. The pain was unbearable. The roads and sidewalks are risky and impassable. I can now stand up straight any surprise I have slippers on- it's ten minutes now and my right foot still aches and I am having a hot cup of tea and cookies. I plan to cook that bird TONIGHT. I have a blanket that was cheap as shit I bought from Value Village the other day around me. I am going to use equally inexpensive fabric to make a cover for it. Not a real quilt from scratch. I am recuperating but I have food.
anyone have one of those days? I since have bought proper winter boots, buy groceries on nice days, own a buspass, and had a cute technician from Aliant improve my internet system. He was cute! That bad day had to be the worst! Anyway, freelance writing needs to pay off. I must persevere.
I had an article recently published in Canadian Stories about my meeting with Margaret Atwood at a fundraiser.I may have a second article published in the same magazine soon.
Heddy Johannesen
Thursday, March 6, 2008
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